Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hangin at the "Lazy Shag Backpackers,"

You can't make up names like the "Lazy Shag." After a long day of hiking along the cliffs and photographing seal colonies basking in the sun I headed back to the Lazy Shag. It was time for my weekly ritual of doing my laundry while taking a shower at the same time. It is very economical, ecological and addresses two issues at the same time. I usually start off wearing a shirt, underwear, socks and often shorts and then simply lather up. after the clothes are well scrubbed, I take them off, rinse them and myself off and voila....laundry is almost done. A few more items in the sink and my cleanliness chores are over.

I was quite excited to have this difficult chore behind me and after hanging my clothes out on a community clothes line I went back inside, put on my sandals and headed out to the beach. I didn't get far before I passed three young people sitting at a picnic table laughing hysterically. I looked at them somewhat uncomfortably as it appeared that their apparent uncontrolled laughter was somehow connected to me. The girl, who was almost in tears from laughing so hard was now pointing down at my feet. I slowly moved my gaze downward and then immediately noted that Velcro sandal fastners are to nylon underwear as a magnet is to nails. There I was heading out for some fish and chips and dragging a pair of grey Marks and Spencer style briefs along for the ride. I attempted to make a joke and then slowly retreated back to my room.

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